The first one I did was Spell with Flickr. It was fairly easy because all you have to do is type in what you want it to say. I'm not sure how you could use this in the classroom, but it looks cool. Any ideas?
Then I made a mosaic of pictures that I found to teach Texas symbols. I also figured out that you can add pictures from Facebook to make a mosaic. The mosaic would be good to hang up in the classroom after you have taught a subject or new vocabulary so the students can continue thinking about it.

This is a comic I made on Bubblr. If you can't read the text it says "Please, Aggies, don't saw my horns off!":) This would be a fun way to introduce a new topic. You could find a picture of someone or something and have them saying what the students will be learning about.
This last picture is an application I found on This one is called bead art. This website had a lot of cool effects you can do with pictures. Like with the cartoon these different thingsare just an interesting way to introduce a topic to get the students attention.

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